Ground Stations

ID Name Location Total Future Antennas Owner
2427 PU2OYH Base GG66ol @760m 0 0 Other Directional (VHF, UHF) pu2oyh
2428 University of Manitoba EN19kt @30m 0 0 Cross Yagi (VHF, UHF) University of Manitoba VE4UM
2429 DL4PD-tiny JO30cr @275m 0 0 Other Omni-Directional (UHF) Patrick Dohmen
2430 SPACECLUB_TO1 FN03hq @143m 13640 0 Cross Yagi (UHF) Toronto Space Club
2431 DLSouth JN49gc @100m 169 0 V-Dipole (VHF, UHF) Rolf Gerhardt DG8AR
2436 OK1XHC JN79kv @269m 167 0 Vertical (VHF, UHF) Radek Novak
2439 Martin VK6MJ OF77vm @8m 127 0 Cross Yagi (VHF, UHF) Martin Diggens
2440 Crestview - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada EN19iv @3m 214 0 Other Omni-Directional (VHF, UHF) Simon the Scientist
2443 Ignition LL49ah @5m 0 0 Cross Yagi (UHF) Hope Station
2445 PA2DX_test JO23xe @4m 37 0 Cross Yagi (UHF) pa2dx
2446 VK2WAY/SYD1 QF56oc @20m 147 0 Yagi (VHF, UHF) Jared Quinn
2447 N6FR DM03tu @37m 1438 0 Eggbeater (UHF) NewtMan
2448 IAUPRBC FK68vi @20m 0 0 Cross Yagi (VHF, UHF) arinconcharris
2451 Michael Luft KM72jc @120m 0 0 Cross Yagi (VHF, UHF) Michael Luft
2453 Ohio University Airport, Station #2 EM89vf @220m 24 0 Eggbeater (UHF) Ohio University
2455 LU4WAC FE76kq @10m 8 0 Turnstile (UHF) Alberto
2456 KI7TZP - Campbell CM97ag @58m 486 0 Quadrafilar (UHF) bpattison
2458 f4iku JO10nq @10m 54 0 Quadrafilar (VHF) Quadrafilar (UHF) f4iku
2460 LEON CG MK80bo @15m 0 0 Other Directional (VHF, UHF) vu3cgl
2464 AgroTech_001_TestSat FN20wq @0m 0 0 Cross Yagi (VHF) Other Omni-Directional (VHF) Cross Yagi (UHF) wdrolle
Query returned 20 stations.